--posted 04/16/2008 at 19:44:45
--posted 04/16/2008 at 19:43:14
How un-American is that? Three times I have been banned from commenting on the Fluffy Post. From what I have gathered many others have been, too. Yet when you look at the many, many posts that are crude and abusive, one wonders, who are they banning? When you don't allow dissenting viewpoints you get, not a dialog, but a diatribe. And that is what The Huffington Post has devolved into. Feel free to share your experiences and to comment! I promise not to censor your posts.
Huffington Post pre-moderates comments on our blog posts and post-moderates comments on news stories. We never censor comments based on political or ideological point of view. We only delete those comments that include the following transgressions:
• are abusive, off-topic, use excessive foul language
• include ad hominem attacks including comments that celebrate the death or illness of any person, public figure or otherwise
• contain racist, sexist, homophobic and other slurs
• are solicitations and/or advertising for personal blogs and websites
• thread spamming (you've posted this same comment elsewhere on the site
• are posted with the explicit intention of provoking other commenters or the staff at Huffington Post.
As a lifelong liberal Democrat, and card-carrying member of the ACLU, I find this to be anathema. I believe it is everyone's right to voice their opinions.
So, hopefully, if anyone searches on "Banned on Huffington Post," "Censorship on Huffington Post," "Huffpo Censorship," etc., they may find their way here. I don't know what will come from that, but maybe we can end up with a place where we can express our opinions without fear of being censored or "banned from commenting."
Shortly after I got banned all of my recently submitted comments were approved. Apparently one moderator thought they were offensive but another saw them as valid points of discussion.
Before getting banned I had posted at least several hundred comments, with about 20% being rejected. Basically I was commenting on their articles from a Hare Krishna point of view, which apparently is a little hard for ordinary people to understand.
The question, of course is why they would be banned in the first place? If people weren't interested, they didn't have to read them. Unless you were being vulgar or downright hateful, what right do they have to silence your opinion? I think, none. And my experience over there is that they frequently censor and ban comments they just don't like.
It's the case of little people having a little bit of power.
By the way, as far as I know, you are the first person to find me and comment here. Thanks! I hope others will join in the dialog.
Well, there are so many rude and vulgar comments that they publish every day, so it's not about that. They are trying to perpetrate a fraud, to manipulate people. Just like in an election, if the media gives the perception is that it is popular to think a certain way, people see that and tend to vote that way. So it is an attempt to influence people by subtle deception.
The comments that I've had to rewrite to pass the censor were usually the kind that would be checkmate in chess. They were not crude by any means; they were conclusive arguments, or ones with the potential to pop their bubble.
For example, non-religious people seem helpless to understand why anyone would be opposed to contraceptives especially if they are also opposed to abortion. I have tried many times answer this question for them, as the Vedas clearly explain the value and importance of self-restraint especially with regard to sex, but these comments were blocked so many times that I finally gave up. Then it would appear from the comments that there is no sane objection to birth control. They all get to tell each other how stupid the religious people are and that way feel pleased with themselves.
It is a sad fact that so many people are generally not interested in truth; they want sense gratification and will concoct any foolish philosophy to get it. If you flatter them with nonsense, they will think you are very nice, but if you say some true thing that contradicts them and they have no good response, you just have to hope the moderator fails to notice. Such cheating is typical, but especially irritating when they put up a good facade.
Actually getting banned there was a nice favor making it obvious that I have much better things to do. Like chanting Hare Krishna. 8^)
Thank you for your input. Please feel free to come back any time. BTW, how was it you happened to trip over this site?
Thanks, again. :)
By invitation. You visited my blog first. 8^)
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